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SledgehammersHammersHand Tools



7 products


We offer several kinds of sledgehammers in different sizes and weights. A sledgehammer looks a lot like a regular cross pein hammer, but is a lot bigger and heavier. This is why these hammers are perfectly suited for demolition work, like breaking down walls. Fence posts can also be driven into the ground using a sledgehammer. Wovar offers sledgehammers weighing between 3 and 6 kg. You can also find sledgehammers with a fibreglass handle, which are even stronger than those with a wooden handle.

Sledgehammer handle

Sledgehammers are available with different handles. Most people know the sledgehammers with wooden handles. However, in addition to wooden handles, sledgehammers can also be made with fibreglass handles. The advantage of a fibreglass handle over a wooden handle is that, with a fibreglass handle, the vibrations from the hammer are reduced. The reduced vibrations make it more comfortable to work with the sledgehammer. On top of that, fibreglass is a lot stronger than wood.

Demolition work

Are you planning on demolishing a wall? Then make sure to get a high-quality sledgehammer to prevent accidents from happening. Wovar offers top-quality sledgehammers, so you can bring that wall down in no time. Make sure to wear protective gear when doing any sort of demolition work. For example, wear shoes with steel noses, a facemask, safety glasses, and gloves.

Ordering sledgehammers

Order your new sledgehammer and start breaking those walls. Are you a professional in the construction or landscaping industry? Wovar’s business clients enjoy many benefits with a free business account. 

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